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Clubs Organizations

Trace Crossings Clubs and Extra Curricular Activities

PALS - PALS means Peer, Assisting, Learning, and Service. These students are student ambassadors of Trace. These students are our leaders and positive role models. They are buddies to our Kindergarten. They also assist with tours, career day, Red Ribbon Week, and greeting parents at school events.  This club is open to all 5th grade students. Applications are found online, at the Staff and Student Information desk, and in the counselor’s office.

Sponsor: Terri Coleman

Safety Patrol - Morning carpool assistance

Sponsor: Jimmye VanNess

Bucs Club - Buc’s Club which means Believe Unite Contribute. It is a community service club that meets once per month after school. We partner with Youth Serve Birmingham. The students participate in community service projects outside of school. The students have done things like food and toy drives, shelter visits as well as Santa’s Workshop and MLK Day of Service This club is open to all 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade students. Applications are found online, at the Staff and Student Information desk, or in the counselor’s office.  The first meeting will be held in October.

Sponsor: Terri Coleman

Bully Buster - Bully Buster Club is a club of students from all grades designed to help students learn more about bullying. To better understand what it is and what it is not. They are students bullied previously, been bullies, or have witnessed someone being bullied. These students are equipped to handle these situations in the classroom. Applications are found online, at the Staff and Student Information desk, and in the counselor’s office. The first meeting is in October.

Sponsor: Terri Coleman

Flag - Sponsor, Jimmye VanNess

Robotics Club description:

This club is open to 4th & 5th  grade students who are seriously interested in building and programming Lego Robots and want to meet and work with other students with the same interests!    Girls are encouraged to participate! This club requires dedication and sincere interest. We will be learning new skills and working hard to prepare for competitions with other Hoover Robotics clubs.  The club will meet after school once a week until 4:00 pm. Space is limited to 20 students, so get those applications in! There will be a small charge for T-shirts, price TBD. 

Sponsor: Jodi Tofani

Chess Club description:

Whether you are a beginner or an advanced chess player, join us on Thursday mornings from 7:15-7:45 to play chess with fellow 3rd-5th grade students. There is no cost to join this club. 

Sponsor: Jodi Tofani

GEMS - Coming Soon

Girls on the Run - Sponsor: Gloria Merriman

Math Team - Coming Soon

Student Council - Coming Soon


Music Opportunities:

  • Trace Singers - Trace Singers will be the name of our choir this year and all 4th and 5th graders will have the opportunity to be a part. Students will gather in the music room for a time to sing together on Tuesdays from 7:15-7:45AM. We will have a great time learning the basics of pitch matching and enjoying the sound of all of our voices together. The goal? To create a community of music lovers who believe that they CAN sing for lifelong enjoyment. This group will be considered an extra music time. Students will still come to music once a week for their regular class. This group will perform a concert for parents and friends, as well as additional opportunities that may arise. They will also be required to sign a commitment form, which is coming soon with additional info.

  • Alabama Music Educators Honor Choir - The AMEA Honor Choir is a one-day festival held on the campus of Samford University Friday, October 12th with a concert that evening. Up to ten 5th graders from Trace will be selected based on interest and skill. A separate AMEA letter will contain additional information.

  • Music Enrichment -  Later this year I will begin to identify those students who are interested and gifted in the area of music. I will offer several 4th and 5th graders the opportunity to enrich their musical experiences by participating in instrument groups that will perform at various programs. I encourage you and your child to communicate their interest in this opportunity to me, as well as demonstrate the appropriate skills in the music classroom.

  • Alabama ACDA Young Voices Festival - The Young Voices Festival is an additional opportunity for interested singers. Held on the campus of the University of Alabama April 26-27, 2019, the festival involves 4th-9th graders from around the state. I am able to choose ten boys and ten girls from Trace for this festival, but parents will be responsible for all care of their child during the event. More information will come home in January.

  • Google Classroom - All music events and opportunities will be available via Google classroom by the end of August.

Sponsor: Lisa Latham

Twitter @MusicAtTrace